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Has anyone worked out haw many of their 6.5 million shares Battery Minerals have sold?
Gallmat- YOU WROTE - But company is below replacement value of plant and infrastructure.
This is exactly where the company want to be. They have deliberately destroyed and continue to destroy the share so they can take it back for next to nothing. By the time this happens HArchris and Glengarth will be gone! Andii too. They are here merely to prop up the Poodars imho. Everytime Shishir messes up they are here to forgive and forget. There are no REAL shareholders who have any faith in the management. The trust has gone long ago. Shishir is a scam artist imho. Every promise he made has not come to fruition. This company is a FAMILY RUN BUSINESS. NO PLACE FOR OUTSIDERS. And the Poodars look at SHAREHOLDERS as OUTSIDERS imho. DYOR
Gallmat- YOU WROTE- I honestly would not give a damn of they raised 6m gbp. Remove all these worries and then they could use it as assets for expansions.
The reason they didn't raise the full £6 million at one time is because their aim is to DESTROY THE SHARE PRIOCE SLOWLY. Raising a little at a time lowers the share price bit by bit and brings in new investors at lower prices, It also gets rid of older investors who decide to get out at a loss. By the time 6 million is raised the share price will be totally decimated and they will then TAKE THE COMPANY PRIVATE FOR ALMOST NOTHING. The writing is on the wall with TGR. TSG (Now Pranagraf) being snatched back by the POODERS was the beginning of the end for this company. DYOR
Even the Broker had done a runner- Can you blame them? I can't. Corruption galore with this company imho.
This company will limp into spring before we get weighed down with even more debt and by year end or early next year I see the POODARS taking the company private at around 3p or less imho. Watch your investment get melted down into nothing while the PODDARS feather their own private businesses imho. DYOR
Battery Minerals have sold another 1.8 million shares today which should keep this share price subdued for some time. 9p next?
AJAYE - you have changed your tune towards the company. Sounds like you been bribed too. DYOR
This looks and feels like more downward pressure ( in my view) The Bat Min 6.5 million share options handed to them yesterday are shaking a lot of nervous holders. Where is the bottom? Imho it will keep sliding until the company get their act together and deliver on their promises which they have failed to do time and time again. And when Bat Min decide to start filling the market with their share allowance then we are all going much lower. dyor
Harchris, Battery Minerals have risen for the simple reason that TGR shares have been awarded to them which doubles their market cap. Read the RNS from 19th April, a part of which is below
The Company announced on 3 April 2023 that part of the consideration for the Acquisition is the issue of 10,046,556 TG ordinary shares of £0.025 each to BAT covering a sum of AUD$9,750,000 (c.£5,284,500)
Battery Minerals are now worth 16 million Aussie dollars as they were awarded TGR shares which is why the share price doubled. As soon as they start selling them they will drop like a fly squatted. Thats what happened last time round and the same will happen this time round. THEY WILL NEED CASH SOON TO COMPLETE THEIR DIAMOND DRILLING AND ALSO TO PAY SALARIES. DYOR. Thats why I completely believe TGR share price will continue dropping. 10p is not far away inho
Mindset shift required. I think your correct Gallmat.
155000 shares sold on Wednesday (yesterday). I suspect a large number of those shares are from note holders which still leaves well over 1 million shares left to be sold today and tomorrow etc by the note holders which I believe will drag the share price down further. Totally expected until these shares are sold into this dropping share price. dyor
HarChris your right Battery Minerals did indeed raise roughly £260,000 on Friday 8th December. This cash will not give them much run way at all. As an example Shishir takes £300,000 plus pension costs in salary a year from the company. Battery Minerals have less than this to be used toward the company's working capital, and to carry out 2,000 meters of reverse circulation and diamond drilling at the Spur project in New South Wales. This cash will disappear in no time at all as diamond drilling doesn’t come cheap and neither does the salaries of the Bat employees. They will have no option but to sell their 6.5 million TGR shares which they were given on Friday 8th December in order to keep afloat. I am merely highlighting the facts from the RNS’s TGR provided over the course of the last year and joining the dots together. dyor
SHishir neither used any of the £1 million he said the company raised in forward sales to pay the interest. Why not I wonder? He decided it best to dilute us all and pay more interest in shares. He really doesn't know what he's doing imho. dyor
HarChris Shishir didn't forgo part of his salary last time round to pay the interest on the loan so what makes you think he will this time? We all got diluted and the note holders are now free to sell their shares on the open market today and tomorrow etc in order to get their cash back. dyor
Can anyone tell me why Opti have 2 sets of shares listed on the market. Both prices are similar though why have 2 separate companies? Thanks in advance
Genghis15 you wrote--what matters is profit, and even more, cash. and that's the problem ; tgr is struggling for cash, and until that's sorted out the sp and mcap make perfect sense.
TGR borrowed £3 million in 2022 and only made one interest payment in January 2023 on the loan. The interest payment due in July 2023 was not paid in cash as agreed. In August 2023 TGR announced they had received £1 million cash in forward sales. They could have paid the interest on the loan from this cash but instead decided not to. Soloist week they awarded the note holders 1,285,000 new shares to cover the interest (diluting us all in the process). These shares are eligible to be sold into the market from December 8th 2023 (Friday). If I was a note holder and I was due interest in cash but was given shares instead what do you think I would do to get my money back? Sell the shares is the obvious answer. Which is what will happen over the coming days/week imho. Also bear in mind next month (January 2024) around £16500.00 is due in interest payments for the loan which if not paid in cash will mean another tranche of shares will be given to the note holders (around 1,500,000 shares this time at the current share price) which will dilute our share holding even more. So in effect almost 3 million new shares will have been created and can be instantly traded which will drag the share price down to around 11 or 12p imho. Is it any wonder the share price is back at 15p and falling? If Shishir Poddar took even HALF his annual salary and agreed to take the other half at a later date when the company is in a better cash strong position he could easily have made the payment loan in July yet he decided to bank the cash from the profits and dilute us all instead. Well done Shishir Poodar.
HarChris Battery Minerals raised only half a million Australian Dollars which is miniscule in comparison to the millions they will require to complete their Drilling they are doing and also for working capital. They will need to raise again in the very near future. Wheres the proof they still hold some of the first ranch of TGR shares? They sold the lot of them. 6.5 million shares given to them today. DYOR
(MT Newswires) -- Battery Minerals (ASX:BAT) completed a private placement to raise AU$560,880, the miner said Friday.
Proceeds from the placement will be used toward the company's working capital, and to carry out 2,000 meters of reverse circulation and diamond drilling at the Spur project in New South Wales, it said.
HarChris Battery Minerals were highlighted in a recent TGR RNS where they were selling down their TGR shares the link is below
Theres no evidence they did not sell the rest of their shares as they were in desperate need of funds. Also the days following TGR's release of the Battery Minerals holding dropping below the threshold TGR's share price continued to drop so in effect that leads me to believe they sold every TGR share they had in order to stay afloat . If you can prove otherwise then be my guest.
6,546,556 TG ordinary shares of £0.025 each to be issued on 8 December 2023 (the "Tranche 2 Consideration Shares").
The parties have also agreed that the Tranche 1 Consideration Shares and the Tranche 2 Consideration Shares, when issued and admitted to trading, shall not be subject to a hard lock in but to orderly market agreements up to 18 months from the date of issue.
The shares being handed out today are not just for Battery Minerals they are also for the Notre Holders who didn't get the July interest on the loan. They are free to sell their shares on the open market from today to recoup their interest. DYOR
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