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Posted in: KDR
Posts: 250
Price: 1.35
Strong Buy
If ?? Will be fighting the competition off to grab a slice of world class base metals 4 mil a snip
It will happen and we are talking £££ not pennies
Posted in: CGNR
Price: 2.85
Rerate has begun and smoking fingers are getting hot 🥵
Price: 2.45
RE: CGNR - Next Gold Junior MultibaggerToday 20:08 Instant 500%-1000%+ SP rise from JV/ farm in. That will burn a few fingers
Price: 1.225
Massive rerate coming here , no bucket 🪣 shop Pump and Dump PDac In two weeks time Partners in coming.. Massively oversold to short and fingers will get burned
Kevin also refers to ODM results in time for PDac Plenty of companies would like a slice of Two gold trends Zinc Diamond ( fancy ) Nickel copper platinum base metals PDac will be massive for both sisters 2025
All quiet on the western front (KDR CGNR) Both companies recently awoke from a dormant state March will be the signal for rerate and strategic partnership for both I am convinced Half year results expected in two weeks With KDR expecting results from ODM for Kuhmo 1 green diamond anomaly strike zone and conclusion it’s 💯💎 baring kimberlite? Which it has to be considered we recovered a green diamond in till.. Exciting times ahead for both We are currently priced to both have further bucket shop placements But i think incoming parties will fit any drill funds and a sweetener as did Demir . 🇮🇪🇫🇮🍀💯
Price: 1.25
Price: 1.175
No Opinion
ds dog **** back again. ****ing his leg 😜🤣
We have Dr Larry World’s leader in base metals We are asking for 4 mil $ Who’s not wanting a piece of this cake and eat it $4 Mil peanut 🥜
Come all ye faithful Great interview, Kevin is buzzing and PDac for partner 2weeks time and ODM could drop any time results Possibly 3 deals this year, Kuhmo , Lahtojoki ,NI All 100 % KDR
Price: 2.40
Momentum is building and news is a coming for the rerate swing Marion will provide a major PDAC just over two weeks away That s if we have to wait that long Chunk buys Friday we’re the indicator. Signs
Price: 1.10
Let’s start off tomorrow continuing on rising off Friday Close Interview hopefully midweek Roast
Https:// KDR 1.20 in Green diamond are 20 x plus the cost clear diamonds Sounds like KDR interview coming 🙏
No way a partner not here already with what we have Rio started this so makes perfect sense They will want Ireland 1000 sq klm base metals as well who wouldn’t IMHO only
Another A5 In other words!! So it’s looking like little KDR has the source of at least two dyke systems in their back yard And a third already to add to Lahtojoki on south side I think all 3 locations has a history of fancy gems This is a emerging diamond 💎 province ,we own 💯 Add this projects to Northern Ireland, clearly says Nickel copper & platinum metals We are sat on a fortune ……Booooo Oooom
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