XPS Pensions Group PLC - Reading, England-based pensions consulting and administration - Tom Brown will retire as chair at the end of the company's annual general meeting on September 8, having served since the start of 2017. The board will appoint a successor. The announcement comes as XPS says revenue grew 8% on an organic basis in its financial year that ended March 31. Advisory revenue rose by 7%. Pension Administration revenue increased by 9%, driven by new client wins. Says annual performance was in line with market expectations. Looking ahead Co-Chief Executive Officer Paul Cuff says XPS's business model will allow it to minimise the impact of inflationary pressures on profits.
Current stock price: 139.35 pence, up 2.8% on Thursday
12-month change: up 16%
By Tom Waite; thomaslwaite@alliancenews.com
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