London South East were delighted to catch up with Petro Matad (MATD) CEO Mike Buck after the company raised $6.6M to fund a range of economic activities in Mongolia.
These include the spudding of Velociraptor 1 in Central Mongolia, which has a 20% chance of success, and the renewables joint venture with SunSteppe Energy which Mike Buck believes will benefit from revenue streams generated by Heron 1 when it comes onstream.
In this latest interview with Mike Buck, he talks about:
1. Who they raised $6.6M from and why?
2. 2Q spud of Velociraptor 1, which is in a potentially prolific oil basin
3. Land access to Heron 1 taking a 'governmental amount of time' but seeing progress
4. The SunSteppe Energy JV
5. Mongolian exploration licences
6. Newsflow over the next few months