Oliver Hasler, executive chairman of PYX Resources, presents 1H24 Results. Watch the interview here.
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The AGM will not be broadcast (difficult to do properly apparently) hence the webcast. Shame about the SP but the outlook is very promising. I too will be at the AGM. Might meet?
Hi Truro,
Yes I've noticed we fen get a short boost from webcasts, today is was a few hours only.
I can't be bothered to check back at the webcast but I think Simon said he wouldn't be there at the AGM. That would explain the webcast/AGM proximity but not coincidence.
Hoping to make the AGM (it's an early start for me, and sure we'll learn a bit more there.
SRT Marine Systems – These Shares Could Double
In the past the SP has often had a few pence rise following the webcast. My guess is that both the webcast and the AGM will be good news and a good chance of an associated rise!
Not to sure why the webcast is just a couple of days before the AGM though? The AGM is usually filmed and broadcast anyway.
Monty I don't really want to get into an argument about something fairly trivial, but you said:
"This will be range bound between 52p to 58p for a year or maybe more"
I said the share price was more volatile than that and it would trade outside that range over the year. The sp is now 47.5 - way outside your predicted range and you are claiming to be more right than me. You've not gone to the Putin/Trump/Johnson school of truth have you?
let's all see what Simon has to say on Friday
Don't think you've quite taken in the value of the recent contracts in relation to our past. The VSP is now really starting to build. It's been a long old haul. This financial year should see the breakthrough into profits.
The star of the show is the Marine Domain contracts but the transponder business is also making strong growth now. Last (and also Least!) Data sales should become meaningful in the next financial year.
Our costs are largely fixed with the main exception being wages. It won't surprise me that in the next 3/5 years the transponder and Data business's will actually provide the revenue and profits to run the business on their own.
If I meant tomorrow, I'd have said tomorrow.
Hardboy - Data is showing me to be lot more correct than you pal.
Revenue is nothing without bottom line profit sooner or later. Look at THG, investors thought it would very profitable very quickly was 800p now less than 100p. I might be deluded, my fair value estimates way above current SP might be too high. (Old adage “Revenue is vanity, profit is sanity”. Can the revenue create a really good bottom line, I hope so. But I will be doing is looking at the cash burn vs the bottom line and the EPS. Not emotionally ramping what are very good RNS’s but till it passes break even it jam tomorrow, when does it’s jam on the bread. The MM’s are doing their best to keep the SP at 50p to match the cash raising whilst they wait for the next results (Note the nasty spread).
That's a week tomorrow. Strictly speaking next Tuesday is tomorrow.
They usually release an update the morning of the AGM
SRT's AGM next Tuesday
My mistake.
Got mixed up with another of my holdings, SMS.
Half year results tomorrow.
Let's hope that they increase the S/P.
The directors have a sense of humour - several years ago at an AGM, aware of the accusation of Jam tomorrow they gave all attenders a pot of jam. (And it was very tasty.)
As for your projection of it being range bound between 52 & 58p for a year or more. I would say you're in cloud cuckoo land - even if the next year's share price average as somewhere between those 2 prices - it does not need a lot of research - just look at the graph - it is a volatile share and can do that range in a week. Also this is driven by news - with a £1.4b pipeline, there is a lot of scope for very significant news to come in the next year. And that news will take the sp outside your range.
And here's a link to the whole story, mentions in passing that UK uses Portuguese Tekever drones.
'How are the mighty fallen' ;-<
Hi Monty, A little pessimistic view perhaps? The sales team are, unusually, not proactive. Their initial decision is to decide which enquiry's are worth engaging with. Do they actually have a budget? Are we talking to the organ grinder? Is there a need that we can address? There are other criteria as well. The £1.4 Billion VSP is doing exactly what it says on the tin. Verified Sales Pipeline.
I don't know how the times article was actually initiated but I would be surprised if we called them. I would put money on the Border Force/Government contacting us.
As for Jam tomorrow - well yes. I reckon it's the next financial year that will deliver this. My guess is that this half year will match our full last year. The only uncertainty is the ability to deliver the escalating order book. I'm confident they'll manage it !
Interesting company, very hyped to make sure the 50p capital raise was fully subscribed before the results. The results show just how small this company actually is (Lots of jam tomorrow words). No room for project cancellations or errors in project pricing and on a higher P/E than all the top NASDAQ FANGS companies. High historic cash burn. This will be range bound between 52p to 58p for a year or maybe more is my feeling. 51p a good entry point for me…Keeping on my watch list.
Hi Listeracc, must have been a positive article judging by the SP today!!!
I see there was a Simon T article released 27th. That missed the print deadline, so this should hopefully be included in the paper mag. dropping on doorsteps next Friday.
If we got one before the interims and say two in the second half of the year that will be all we would need to make really good profits. It really is hard now to see how SRT can actually fail!
If we got one before the insurance and say two in the second half of the year that will be all we would need to make really good profits. It really is hard now to see how SRT can actually fail!
XT spot on. Per the chairman in the RNS “….new systems prospects pipeline….. aggregate value of £1.4bn, and I expect to see some of these convert into contracts in the coming months”
Thank you. Got it .
At min 10:26 in the presentation, discussing the validated sales pipeline, it sounds to me as though SRT is expecting something to be signed 'in the coming month or so'.
Did I mishear or did he mis-speak ?
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