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I am okay with that, as I said perhaps I am doing Nick a massive dis service, that was just how I saw it.
I do have a question though and it is something that was touched on earlier in the thread.
If you were a $1.4 billion company (or a company like Hex for example worth 24m ) why would you partner with a company with that has resources worth multiple times their mcap of £1.5 m when you could just buy the company?
First part.
Good Morning RKB
To answer your question first: I would rather have a share of the revenue where we have not contributed to fracking costs for our 161,000 acres.
But am struggling to where you disagree with me. Which part do you not agree with?
1. Nick went for a Jolly?
2. Nape looks like it was Very useful?
3. The future looks bright?
If it is part one than fair enough, if it is points two or three than I would be interested to know why
Good Morning Kernoboy1
I must disagree with you.
Nick & Paul (Paul Mendell whom our Company is named after) were there to look for potential Business Partners.
In the US it is standard practice to have partners in the oil & gas industry.
Nick has always said that he wants to avoid shareholder dilution if possible.
As MDH have a goal to Frac up to 200 Wells, we would need either Loans / Equity Dilution / or Partners.
Partners would most likely fund the development of the Well for a substantial share of the revenue.
Would you rather have all the revenue from 8 Wells or a share of the revenue where we have not contributed to the Fracking Costs for some of the revenue on our 161,000 acres (and up to 1 million acres) ?
To the best of my knowledge, we MDH are currently the only UK listed Company that is producing Helium and generating revenue.
Thank for the link
Watching it my takeaway is as follows:
1. Nick went for a Jolly
2. Turns out that it ended up being somewhere very useful.
3. Sometimes it is better to be lucky than good.
4. Future looks bright
(I Could be doing Nick a massive dis service here but this is the impression I got)
Onwards and upwards
Started: RKBeekeeper, 21 Jan 2025 06:02
Last post: Kernowboy1, 3 Feb 2025 09:51
Good morning RKBeekeeper
I think we can now add ECR to the list below.
Good Morning RKBeekeeper
In the Thread you started about us having so few trades you make a number or good points which I largely agree with.
However, If you were to look at the MDH Media tab, you will see there is a recent Interview that mentions us.
MDH is mentioned around 6.15 in, it describes us a chameleon, and the interest in MDH is whether or not they are going to become a helium play.
With excellent publicity like that I am just amazed that MDH has not had a lot more interest shown in them, despite the exchange they are on.
I think it will be pretty quiet until some concrete news arrives particularly following Nick Tulloch’s involvements with Zoetic, Voyager Life and Chill Brands Group which have not been superstars.
Good Morning Trek
There are several reasons why in my opinion we have so few trades even though our potential is groundbreaking for a Helium Producer with one of our Wells most likely being able to fund the whole company.
AQUIS Stock Exchange: Unfortunately, AQUIS does not attract much attention. They were supposed to fill a gap that AIM was not.
Brokers: HL for me only do Telephone Deals and a minimum £20 so that discourages buyers & sellers.
Market Makers: They do not encourage Private Investors with the large spread. With our current share price 2.5p – 3.5p the spread is 40%.
If you look at the actual trades like yesterday 10,000 @ 2.5p 10,000 @ 2.5p 33,200 @ 3p and 29,665 @ 2.84p.
Now I know the 29,665 was a buy but printed as a sell. So, if the 29,665 was to be sold immediately then would they receive 2.5p? Lets say they did, charges say £11.95 (but on HL its £20 as they only do Telephone Deals)
Cost to buy 29,665 with £11.95 charges = £854.44
Funds received if selling @ 2.5p = £729.68
Loss on paper = £124.76 or 14.6%
If you wanted to “make” a profit of £124.76 after charges you would have to sell at 3.334p and that is impossible, and you would have to go back to November 2024 to have a chance.
Conclusion: Until the RTO is completed and MM reduce the spread then unfortunately, we will lack PI’s. Move to AIM and see the MM create a Market.
PS I am not asking MM to enable day-trading just have a reasonable spread not 40%
Started: RKBeekeeper, 30 Jan 2025 22:39
Last post: RKBeekeeper, 30 Jan 2025 22:39
Unknown Trade
There were two trades today on AQUIS and the one at 16:34 “Unknown” Price 3.50357p for 100,000 shares.
The Bid was 2.5p
The Ask was 3.5p
And the trade marked as “Unknown”
When Aquis Exchange review why Companies leave their Exchange, maybe they should do an Audit of the Market Makers and find out why 70% of the Trades in Mendel Helium are not what is Printed.
PS We have till the end of March 2025 to complete the RTO of M3 Helium
Started: RKBeekeeper, 28 Jan 2025 06:40
Last post: RKBeekeeper, 28 Jan 2025 06:40
Enhanced returns to its shareholders.
Exhibiting at NAPE Expo Houston
Mendell Helium is pleased to announce that it will be exhibiting at the NAPE Expo in Houston between 4 - 7 February 2025. The management team will be presenting the operations of M3 Helium Corp. ("M3 Helium") in the Hugoton gas field and Fort Dodge in Kansas, USA as further described below.
As announced on 27 June 2024, the Company has an option to acquire M3 Helium, a producer of helium which is based in Kansas and holds an interest in nine wells. There is no certainty that the Company's option to acquire M3 Helium will be exercised, nor that the enlarged group will successfully complete its re-admission to trading on the AQSE Growth Market.
NAPE Expo: NAPE is one of the North American energy industry's best known marketplaces for the buying, selling and trading of prospects and producing properties. NAPE brings together all industry disciplines and hosts companies of all sizes, from small independents to majors. Held in Houston between 4 - 7 February 2025, it provides companies with the opportunity to meet a large number of prospective partners.
As announced on 23 December 2024, the success of the Nilson well has attracted considerable attention. M3 Helium is positioned to develop new wells in the Hugoton field with an innovative but proven technique through the farm in agreement that M3 Helium secured with Scout Energy Partners ("Scout Energy"). To date, several potential indications of funding arrangements have been expressed to M3 Helium.
These approaches include interest in exploring a collaboration with M3 Helium on new "Nilson-type" wells in the Hugoton gas field as well as supporting the company on bringing Rost into production. These discussions remain at an early stage and there can be no guarantee at this time that any of the expressions of interest will be successful. However, if M3 Helium is able to secure funding along these lines, it enables the company to develop the opportunities that it has established in the Hugoton with enhanced returns to its shareholders.
Started: Botham, 26 Jan 2025 12:46
Last post: TrekMadone, 27 Jan 2025 15:35
Showtime at NAPE…RNS… looking for a partner I guess
#HE1 Market Cap: £52.40M the retail favourite has the largest market cap of UK Helium Stocks. At it’s Galactica-Pegasus project in Las Animas County it is awaiting drilling confirmation on the 1st of five back to back drills with its partner Blue Star Helium. At Itumbula West-1 ("ITW-1") which successfully flowed a sustained average of 5.5% helium (air corrected) from the fractured Basement and flowed a sustained average of 5.2% helium (air corrected) to surface from the faulted Karoo Group. Awaiting Tanzania Mining Licence approval before progressing further.
#MDH Market Cap: £1.32M is the lowest market Helium play, but suffers from low liquidity and large buy and sell spreads operating on AQSE. It is going through the due diligence and publishing of a Prospectus to acquire through RTO M3 Helium by 31st March at which point it may be suspended upon approval of the Prospectus and holding of an AGM to approve the deal.
A producer of helium based in Kansas, USA. It is has a number of operating Helium wells and has recently acquired interest in two further Helium producing wells on the western side of the Hugoton gas field in Kansas.
Which Helium Stock is about to go on a Bull run?
Whilst the Parma and AI stocks have delivered fantastic returns in January could the coming weeks see a shift towards a return to the favour of Helium Stocks?
In January 2024 in London there was only 1 full Helium play in #HE1 there are now a number of players, but which is set to take off in the coming weeks.
#HEX Market Cap: £19.59M has successfully raised £5M last week to bring into production by Q2 it’s Rudyard project. Reserves of 355 million cubic feet of helium calculated by Aeon Petroleum Consultants Corp. ("Aeon") on northern dome only. Net Revenue $115.2m over 12.5-year life of field and peak sustained post-tax cash flow of $15-25 million per year using a flat helium price of $500/Mcf.
Acidisation of it’s Ingomar project for Helium and Hydrogen still to be announced provides an intriguing and news fill period, with further Rudyard drills to commence.
#MSMN Market Cap: £5.08M has cash reserves in the region of £1.7M to £2M, $1.25M milestone payment in the sale of its Stanley asset still to be received, £300,000 in warrants exercisable at 0.07. Additionally, funding from the sale of EP145 & EP155 A$900K.
Near term catalysts: Imminent drilling at 5 Las Animas helium wells, EP145 transfer approval to Echelon and payment of A$400,000 (retain 5% royalty payments) EP155 permit approval and payment by Georgina Energy of A$350,000 (retain 2.5% royalty payment), Sagebush acquisition completion, Coyote Wash Project BIA ("Bureau of Indian Affairs") approval, details of Sagebush first helium and oil well drill.
#GEX Market Cap: £5.05M since hitting the highs of 19p is now sitting at only 5.25p and has suffered from delays and bad publicity. Not to be overlooked as at it provides a different play by re-entering existing wells at Hussar and Mount Winter projects and selling helium, hydrogen and natural gas at the well head to offtake partners.
Within in-situ values exceeding over £100 Billion this is the largest potential helium play on the market and is set to drill its flagship project Hussar in March.
#PLSR Market Cap: £36.46M having recently successfully extended Jetstream #1 reached its target depth of 5,100 feet on January 11th, 2025. Expanded Reservoir: Initial data supports the Company's interpreted larger helium-bearing reservoir zone with multiple helium zones encountered throughout the deepening operation from 2,200 feet to 5,100 feet. Promising Helium Readings: Mud log gas levels containing up to 7.24% helium were encountered during drilling.
It commenced drilling Jet Stream 2 January 16. Successful private equity raise of $7.5M December 31s 2024 was completed.
Started: RKBeekeeper, 20 Jan 2025 02:14
Last post: TrekMadone, 20 Jan 2025 10:38
Surprised that there are very few trades here into the new year. I would have thought the Alan Green interview would have tempted some to open a position.
These are real producing assets with signed contracts and a route to growth.
Perhaps folk are waiting for Rost to come on which is a transformational well at 5.1% helium.
That not only would cover all the remaining overheads here, the majority of which are covered by the existing wells it should help with the expansion and/or RBL.
I note that Nick in his narrative has clicked that dilution is the least preferred option! Well let’s face it at 1.4m mcap it really isn’t an option!
Get Rost pumping and add that to the other income and they should be able to either raise via RBL or take up those offers of support from within the industry.
I am continuing to add here using divi income in ‘small’ amounts. Fully expect a free carry post RTO then can invest my capital back into income or the next moonshot!
That’s the plan which has served me well!
Usual caveats
StockBox Media Reseach
At about 12 mins in they begin discussing Mendel Helium.
Basically, summarises all that has happened in the past 6 months and my take is that they are correct with our Market Capt. out of sync with what Nick, Eric and Paul have achieved.
Started: TrekMadone, 30 Dec 2024 07:36
Last post: TrekMadone, 7 Jan 2025 13:38
Interview out for HEX, not plugging them but worth listening to to read across to MDH!
20m v 1.5m! Wow!
Usual caveats
So HEX just valued a PSA all in at $500k. That’s nearly half the mcap of MDH. lol!
We have a PSA, trucks, 9 wells, most with direct sales route via pipe, metered at the well head. Then the acreage and offtake agreements and additional non dilutive expansive funding proposals for more wells. Then there’s the IP for the water injection. Whilst the smaller wells pay the bills ROST can be transformational for our balance sheet,
So if you compare MDH to peers, many of which don’t sell helium yet, +20m mcap is actually only scraping the surface of the potential value here.
But that’s not the point this entry represents a shot at +10 bagger should we RTO which is just paperwork and later possibly an AIM listing. Or a chance of a takeover even just for our equipment!
Very unusual opportunity this but obviously with risk and I can wait and am gradually accumulating.
This is why at my 3.9p average and given the horrendous spread and poor liquidity I am prepared to take the risks here.
Usual caveats
Started: Chesh, 30 Dec 2024 15:43
Last post: Troajan, 4 Jan 2025 11:52
That's why ime called the SNAIL
Keep up tro! lol!
“ I’m also throwing in Mendell Helium as one to watch, though value depends on its listing price later this year. If the model can be demonstrated to work, this could be attractive in this market - with the bread and butter wells generating capital to explore the more lucrative (but riskier) opportunities in the US.”
Nice little blog this one…
Seems a few punters have latched on now albeit and quite rightly nobody can say with any surety it’ll be a huge winner in 2025. But that’s the type of credentials the big winners come from. Tiny mcap relative to peers hence huge upside.
Ten bagger in the making imo! Now for the Rost results and the RTO!
Usual caveats
Keep up tro,
BurtonD 27 Dec, 06:47…..
He’s after your job! lol!
HNY to you and yours….
Oh and HNY to the early MDH investors…. In for a ten bagger here I reckon….. !!
Got the chemistry here akin to my pervious ones!
Many,are leaving x/twitter and joining bluesky
Started: CuriousCat9, 27 Dec 2024 13:09
Last post: TrekMadone, 30 Dec 2024 15:27
Well Deano,
My 35k buy still hasn’t printed…
Not sure if a MM is holding them. Thankfully I have the receipt! (EDoc)
I think the risk is just another layer of questioning by the broker but other brokers allow trading.
AQUiS has been around for ten years and is subject to the same regs as the LSE/AIM platforms. It’s just not as ubiquitous across instruments like the others.
‘heightened risk surrounding Aquis stocks on Access'.
What does that mean?
Only of interest to other AJ Bell users, but having just contacted AJ Bell to ask why I can't seem to get a live quote or set a limit order to top up my MDH holding I was told that '...we are only taking orders over the phone for the time being' due to '...heightened risk surrounding Aquis stocks on Access'.
Afternoon Peeps.........!
I see Blue as the Ask ticks up.....! :()
All the best (Mr bluesky indeed.......! :)
My 35k top up went through at 2p but trade isn’t listed here or on AQUIS. Got the shares and eDoc.
May show up later.
Now just under 4p average. Will grab some more later.
Yes indeed Trojan! Hope the Bluesky link is not from the ELO classic though;
'Mr. Blue Sky, please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long (so long)
Mr bluesky
let's hope you user name,,,rubs off on the sp and next updates.
Hello all, that's my buy of 25k at 1.90p. Hopefully worked out well this time but I've also bought a lot higher so I need these circa 2p buys to get my average down...which now stands at 2.881p for 275,000. Just slowly chipping away here atm!
Hopefully anything below 3p is looking good...esp with the indicative RTO mcap value of £3.5m which is a fair inc on todays figure.
Started: BurtonD, 27 Dec 2024 06:47
Last post: TrekMadone, 27 Dec 2024 08:15
Started: westisbest, 24 Dec 2024 12:07
Last post: SashaCh, 24 Dec 2024 21:58
Considering Aquis was sold for just 207 million, this exchange is pretty much dead. Nothing to do with helium.
2ps are buys? Damn people not liking helium anymore
Bought 66032 at 2p, shown as 2 sells
Started: TrekMadone, 23 Dec 2024 07:31
Last post: BlueSky72, 23 Dec 2024 18:11
No problem for me buying through Barclays again today...25k but AQSE has duplicated my trade.
Hope you get it sorted CC9!
I'm having the opposite problem on AJBell: can't get a quote online to buy even just a small amount. Is this just me/AJBell??
Great update! Reflects mostly what we have been told but now backed by an RNS. Glad to hear the CFR is ‘well advanced’ and the HFI completed (subject to review).
Can buy 100,000 at 2.25p (can buy up to 425k at under 3p) yikes someone desperate to offload here!
Excellent update!
Started: RKBeekeeper, 19 Dec 2024 12:24
Last post: RKBeekeeper, 19 Dec 2024 12:24
Our 161,280 Acres
Mendel Helium have an exclusive farm-in agreement for Hugoton field with Scout Energy, which we have not had to pay anything to acquire. We will eventually have to pay $1 million either when we commence drilling or by the end of March 2025.
Nick has mentioned in the past that industry standard for access to similar acres is about $50 so we would have had to pay around $8,064,000 if $50 was the going rate.
This morning Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) issued an RNS and they are (will) paying $30 an acre for 4,320 acres ($129,600) and they could take 3 years to get to their end goal. MSMN currently have over 19 billion shares in issue, they also have other prospects which are producing.
Previously the acreage that MSMN has agreed to lease at Ute Mountain were leased to Four Corners Helium. On researching Four Corners Helium and Ute Mountain my research confirmed Four Corners Helium had secured the Coyote Wash Project at Ute Mountain, covering 4,300 acres. However, it appears that FCH did not proceed with helium production at this site. Instead, Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) has now secured approval to explore 4,320 acres at the same location.
Regarding helium production by FCH in Colorado since 2020, there is no information indicating that they have produced any helium during this period.
Also, there doesn't appear to be a helium gathering system at Ute Mountain like the Scout Energy Gathering System at the Hugoton Field in Kansas. The Hugoton Field is one of the largest natural gas fields in North America and has a well-established infrastructure for helium production and gathering.
Started: RKBeekeeper, 13 Dec 2024 00:03
Last post: BlueSky72, 15 Dec 2024 22:51
Evening Trek,
Many thanks for your kind words. Without wishing to sound all virtuous, integrity is very important to me.
These B/B's are awash with the worst sorts bar a few good ones including yourself. Its flippin hard work to break even in this market never mind make a profit so if we can all help each other in some way then great. It can be hard to work out if there is an ulterior motive with some posters but by enlarge most are pretty blatant lol.
Nick seems like a decent guy to me from the few emails exchanged so far. I can only talk of first impressions but I will say that he has answered questions promptly and as best he can given his position and the info seems plausible. Hopefully, in any further announcements and interviews there will be more critical detail to work from.
On the subject of integrity, I would ask you to direct your question about AIM to Nick directly.
My belief is that this could be a possibility in time and I am on the same page as you but we will see. One step at a time hey!
Thanks for posting. You seem a very genuine person. Call it as you see it with integrity! A rare trait these days, let alone on a BB!
I could likewise offer up lots of questions but tbh, given your response it would be counterproductive. It is what it is and thankfully the sentiment, key at this stage, seems genuine!
However, what I will stress, and if you could bring this to the fore in any of your subsequent missives with Nick.
Do ask about an AIM listing.
The benefits liquidity wise over AQSE are axiomatic.
I get he may be taking a two step approach, AQSE the AIM, but as a shareholder and a director he should be releasing value and liquidity to investors where there is a low path of resistance. And that is AIM.
Imo an AIM listing would give a huge lift in SP and also a better standing with banks, HNW etc!
Good to have you here!
by ceo lies and b*ll****! nick's connection alone with ecr rings alarm bells having been bitten there some time ago by you know who.
anyway, lets see how things develop here. i will continue to drip buys in unless the story changes for the worse.
all the best everyone.
Hi Trek and all,
I said I would update everyone with any further correspondence, so here it is.
Nick is fine for me to share this info
'Hi again and thanks for your comments. We’re absolutely delighted with Nilson and the best part about it is that it is still going up.
On Rost, there are four things needed for the well to fulfil its potential
Disposal well – and we plan to use a nearby old oil well for this purpose
A bigger pump – the faster we remove water, the better production should be
Compressor – to load the trailers with gas for transport
Complete connection of PSA for on-site purification
None of those should be problematic. There are a couple of different options to complete the disposal well which we’re examining at the moment. Likewise pumps come in different types and sizes so we’re assessing what is available cost effectively. Compressors can be bought or leased. And the PSA is in hand.
We’re not currently producing. We could but it would involve truck disposal of water and that’s prohibitively expensive given the volumes. We’re targeting around 2 months to complete all of the above but you should apply a weather factor in there. This will be my first Kansas winter but I’m told that January and February can be difficult months to work in.
Regarding economics, it’s capable of a sustained c. 50 Mcf/day at present but it did hit 2,900 Mcf/day on short term tests. That, coupled with our calculations on water volumes, is what is behind the financial illustrations in the presentation and announcement.
As for the RTO, yes it’s a frustration and not what was planned at the outset but we took the view that advancing our operations on the ground is the most important task for the combined companies. Meanwhile the CPR has taken more time than planned – largely due to the rapid developments at M3. The option is water-tight though and the two companies are operating very closely so I don’t see any risk of it not completing – in fact we could exercise the option at any time without notice but we’re choosing not to as we would be suspended if we exercised before the admission document was published
I hope that helps and, I agree with you, that there is good reason to be excited. I spoke with a business in Oklahoma and they remarked that we were the first “helium” company they had met that was actually producing helium. There are lots of big ideas out there but very few people are delivering.
Kind regards
In a subsequent email Nick also agreed that he would provide more detail in future announcements and interviews too.
Make of that what you will. I agree that the biggest risk right now is the RTO not taking place and agree with your comments Trek about keeping to timelines. However, I have found Nick to be more than willing to answer any questions that I have had, within the rules of course and everything would appear to be plausible. Yes we have all been bitten elsewhere
Wish someone would buy. I could sell 5k shares at more than 1.8p
How honest is this Nick considered to be? only as Chairman of the US co (believe that's correct?) he's very well set up whether the RTO goes ahead or not. Take it he's on a decent wage himself over there so that if M3 Helium holders decide they don't want 57M MDH shares in exchange for their growing co. he can just shut ops here, apologize that M3 can't yet pay the loan back and move on.
Not saying he will just seems a real risk now and more so every time he delays the RTO for what appears to be quite spurious reasons?
Started: RKBeekeeper, 12 Dec 2024 08:53
Last post: TrekMadone, 12 Dec 2024 15:56
Management that can make or break this potential gem. Period.
Usual caveats
The mechanics of the Nilson result are simply outstanding with the throughput compensating for the low Helium concentration.
That gas is piped directly means that the breakeven economics of this well is far lower; so 0.6% helium pretty much goes straight to the bottom line as infrastructure is in place.
And as said the FRAC paradigm with the rapid water declines looks to have set a viable precedent for the Towanda Field and the rest of the ‘chase group’. This could be highly accretive to Scout and of course M3.
I am, however, disappointed that we have not had an update on Rost…. After my previous comments below. This is all we are told…. “ The Rost well at Fort Dodge, with a 5.1% helium content, has shown potential to be a far higher producer than originally envisaged”
So what was envisaged? Well we were told to expect production. Now is it supposed to be a far higher producer? Well far higher than what? Where is the data and why has Nick fobbed the market off here?
I am also disappointed that this is now the 3rd date to complete the RTO. The delay is based on the ever evolving situation. Well yes, but the situation will always evolve. Does that mean the date continuously slips? Substantial progress is not kicking the date out to end of 1Q25!
It’s great to have a geological deep dive on the well economics of Nilson but Nick really needs to move forward with the RTO. This is the issue we have with a CEO that is overcommitted on two continents imo.
It’s great to see that the enlarged group would be valued at around £3.5m. Indeed I think if they then move to float it on AIM the valuation would be much much higher, well past £20m if we can get some good production data on Rost.
Hence there should be urgency to complete the RTO else this could be ‘stolen’ from us!
I am glad that Nick has mentioned a ‘Kansas bank’ for funds and hope that he doesn’t follow up with ‘other investors’. Who will undoubtedly want equity and possibly warrants on favourable (mates) terms.
Going on past performance at VOY and at ECR ,no matter what is said Nick will look at equity dilution albeit to be fair he has taken pay (or some pay) as shares at ECR. But dilution is the killer!
This is why Rost is important. At 5.1% Helium it’s a company maker and opens up the route to RBL whilst the other wells balance the books and provide cashflow for debt coverage.
There is a huge opportunity here!
Indeed it’s more likely that this 10 bags from a lowly mcap of £1.5m given the assets and cash flows than many other of the Helium players.
I had an order filled today. The 25k trade is another buy not a sell.
I continue to drip funds in here along with the story but it’s super high risk and that risk has gone up with no data on Rost and another kick of the RTO can.
So invest (as always) only what you can afford. The management track record here doesn’t instil total confidence and it’s the managem
Nelson Well in top 1% of Hugoton gas field.
Today's RNS could change the Markets view of Mendel Helium.
We have a Well within the Hugoton Field that defies all conventional fracking.
Normally after the initial frack there is a decline but so far the Nelson well is increasing at 2 Mcf a day and is currently over 100 Mcf and still increasing.
Our well is within 1 mile of Scout Energy's Jayhawk processing system.
Mendel Helium have a farm in over 161,280 acres.
If you read the full RNS you will be able to DYOR and you will see what Nick says about a Bank in Kansas.
Started: TrekMadone, 9 Dec 2024 20:11
Last post: panman, 10 Dec 2024 07:40
I was wondering where the news was? Seems to have been quiet for ever now.
With Rost … update was pre-production RNS 9th Sept…then 1st Oct RNS said to expect production shortly??
With Nilson, update 26th sept RNS … and then 1st Oct….saying assessing performance over coming weeks??
Do we have to wait for updates while you close off the tax sales at ECR Nick or do we have to wait for you to fly in? Surely someone else can keep the market informed??
Usual caveats
Started: RKBeekeeper, 28 Nov 2024 08:08
Last post: RKBeekeeper, 28 Nov 2024 08:08
StockBox Media produced a Podcast yesterday with our CEO Nick Tulloch.
This Podcast is all about Nick’s life-journey from his Education, City of London Positions and how he became involved in Oil & Gas and then CBD and then back to Gas & Gold. There are quite a few gems included in this Podcast.
Started: TrekMadone, 23 Nov 2024 11:10
Last post: TrekMadone, 23 Nov 2024 11:10
Posted by Tro on Tecan
Slowly! slowly!
Started: RKBeekeeper, 11 Nov 2024 15:22
Last post: TrekMadone, 20 Nov 2024 14:47
Hi silver,
Mine was a 25k buy yesterday. As BB know I am slowly adding here.
Price to buy was 3.5 I set a limit order at 3.35. It went through below that.
I ‘only’ have 175k shares atm. They are underwater due to spread.
I will be adding another 25k later then probably wait till the prospectus.
That gives me a foot in the door to build on or trade half from if there is a day one spike.
There secrets revealed. I successfully did similar elsewhere but it very risky. Also successfully didn’t do GEX coz I read the prospectus. But it’s getting closer to my TP now.
Price is mitigated here by mcap v assets though and not necessarily helium chasers like elsewhere
Usual caveats
Trek wasnt your sell today ?
That 25k is my buy not a sell.
Still slowly accumulating here… shhh! lol!
Just like that
I just click remove. You must know that by now?
P S. You know nothing
Started: RKBeekeeper, 11 Nov 2024 07:38
Last post: ShareInvestment, 11 Nov 2024 08:01
Done similarly adding a few but overall position much lower than HEX as RTO process is still in progress here.
These productivity improvements can be transformational at scale.
Holding mine and adding on dips having bought at 5p initially, pretty confident the RTO will complete but it’s an AIM listing that will imo attract investors.
Nice new website
Usual caveats
Another RNS
Mendel Helium have issued an RNS on the day of their GM.
This is a summary of recent announcements.
If you take a few minutes to read this summary and listen (and watch) the numerous interviews give by Nick, you may understand why one of the interviewers believes that Mendel Helium has the potential to be a mid-capt company.
DYOR it can be beneficial.
PS AQUIS exchange are incapable of placing our RNS on their data feed but it can be viewed on VOY.
Started: Reserved, 10 Nov 2024 22:17
Last post: Reserved, 10 Nov 2024 22:17
Started: RKBeekeeper, 7 Nov 2024 00:22
Last post: panman, 7 Nov 2024 07:27
Minimum 25 wells up to 200 planned they're going to be busy.
StockBox Media Interview
Nick gave a 5 min interview to Mark at StockBox Media yesterday.
They discussed the exclusive farm-in agreement with Scout Energy over 252 square miles (161,280 acres) and a minimum commitment of 25 new wells by March 2026 but with the potential up to 200 wells. The cost will be $1 million, and Medel Helium believes that a commercial lease is about $50 an acre so Nick attributes a value of $8 million.
The big advantage for MDH is that Scout Energy have a gathering system & the Jayhawk processing facility more or less on site. They only must dig down 1 metre or so to connect to the gathering systems pipes.
Scout Energy are the biggest Operator in the Hugoton field in Kansas.
MDH have the right of first refusal of the Scout Energy land in Kansas and Mendel Helium have not paid for that (which is almost unheard of)
What was not mentioned in the interview but was in the RNS “Each well drilled will be connected to Scout Energy's gathering system. Scout Energy will manage the operations of the wells, and the parties have agreed a discounted rate, reflecting the nature of their partnership. Likewise, royalty payments on production have been reduced by a third to support M3 Helium's expansion plans.”
Also, “M3 Helium is able to drill both vertical and horizontal wells under the farm in agreement.”
Nick Tulloch, CEO of Mendell Helium, has been appointed as Chairman of the board of M3 Helium as the two companies work closely together to execute the farm in agreement and finalise the exercise of the Company's option to acquire M3 Helium. A new COO has also recently been appointed by M3 Helium to oversee the company's portfolio of projects.
"M3 Helium now has low cost access to some of the world's most prospective acreage for helium extraction. Furthermore, its partnership with Scout Energy guarantees an offtake of all of its production at pre-determined price levels and low operating costs. Natural resources exploration is inherently uncertain but M3 Helium's agreement provides a level of predictability that many companies in this sector may never achieve.”
Started: RKBeekeeper, 7 Nov 2024 00:19
Last post: RKBeekeeper, 7 Nov 2024 00:19
Good Morning TrekMadone
The AGM formal business did not take too long as there were no disruptive shareholders present.
Nick had media interviews lined-up, but he could still afford myself about an hour of his time along with our Chairman Eric’s.
There are advantages when you attend AGM’s & GM’s because you can have informal conversations providing no sensitive information is communicated.
Our BoD are fully appraised of the shortcomings of currently having our shares listed on the AQUIS Exchange.
Our BoD are in protracted dialogue with LSE about their shortcomings with the nonappearance of out RNS feed and that todays RNS like many others only appears on our previous B.B. VOY (Voyager Life)
Nick, Eric & Jill have had extensive engagement with shareholders over the past three years and our BoD will be happy to engage with any shareholder should they contact them.
We have our GM next Monday to approve the sale of VoyagerCann, Amphora Health Ltd & Voyager Life Ltd.
When we no longer have our Health & Wellness business then our BoD can focus on being a purely Helium Producer & Explorer and I am confident that our BoD will have taken onboard shareholders communications about the lack of liquidity for our shares.
I hope this answers you question.
PS I was once made an “Insider” in QBT when it was CLP and I did not like it as I was not able to buy or sell. Fortunately, I was a founding Investor in Voyager through the Seedrs Crowd Funding Platform (now called Republic Europe, check it out) and I obtained EIS tax relief at 30% and I have no intention of selling my shares and will most likely pass them to my grandchildren. So, if I wanted to, I could become an “Insider” as technically it would have no effect on me.
PPS That’s why I can’t give you a yes or no. (sorry)
Started: RKBeekeeper, 6 Nov 2024 13:02
Last post: TrekMadone, 6 Nov 2024 16:56
Any mention of dual listing AIM?
Thanks for going RK. Not surprised you were the only one there. IG charge for "arranging" for pi's to go to their own co's AGM.s. Shouldn't imagine they're the only ones to do so.
All Resolutions passed unanimously.
I was the only private shareholder present.
Also met a CEO and an NED.
Extremely productive day. Seeds sowed.
Roll on Monday.
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