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Since 2024 I have become more aware . A diversity obsessed society which
does not include the old is cold. Wisdom comes with age and many of us are
treated like idiot. But who is in charge?
Musk suffers from Asperger. He has been married a few times and has many children.
Super wealthy he feels entitled to run the world and has friends in High Places but
WHO is in charge at the top ? Life is not boring and I am lucky.
I battled with hackers and did not get caught but wonder about Finance.
Youngsters are now in charge . They hire and fire and get away with it and IT can
be ????
Vicar, one minute you are a preacher of doom, now you think your Clark Kent, you couldn’t see the bright side of life your that blind 😎 and most certainly a cuckoo who is out of his nest
I don’t go to church enough amoured_bear, but I do pray, hope that doesn’t offend you, I for one hope the President tango’s the dwarf 👍🙏
Lifeishard, you sound like a religious fanatic, what are you believing in?
As for "meaningful dialogue with the russkies!", the only dialogue is the orange cretin bending over for Putin ,
God RR is still believing? Just go away you’re prolonging the misery! Definitely either an insider or totally insane? Most of us can see straight through you!
Never argued that most think this way, have also said in the past I can’t argue with how we have been treated throughout this whole saga, my point has always been…….. yet through all this, we still somehow cling to a vertical cliff without us having “as yet” fallen to our death!
So yet again, whenever a doom merchant does a write up stating this or that, I will kindly remind them there is still hope🙏
You can all slate me if you end up correct as I am sure you will, PS I see the President is now in meaningful dialogue with the russkies!
All things bright and beautiful, all companies great and small…….just like ours?🙏
I believe…do you? GLA real holders
Started: armoured_bear, 12 Feb 2025 23:34
Last post: Arsenal221, 13 Feb 2025 16:44
sn has taken the **** with shareholders for yrs & continues to do so.
Hi, you are not the only one who fell for a scam .
Influencer RR went too far.
"Do you suffer from self-harm?" he asked when I sold the lot . I bought back and
topped up and nobody took notice. When I asked searching questions my
HL account was blocked . Why? I am still waiting for an answer and shall not stop
until I get an answer.
I wish to be just put out of my misery so I can stop wasting time coming here, hoping for a miracle when I know in my heart than I'm a fool who has lost every single penny.
Started: Fronteracheckin, 6 Feb 2025 01:02
Last post: OneDayRodney1, 11 Feb 2025 21:04
A bit unfair given NJames gave a prompt succinct answer to your question.
But great you're not going to waste any more of anyone's time on this board in the future.
So no one has any actual updates based on anything, disappointing. See you in a year but I won't bother wasting my time making a new account.
Five years ago I was a Mug. As soon as I had learned enough to follow the PROs
and started to trade and invest with success I endured more stress.
Cyber Crooks are determined and cruel. They try to catch The Famous and Fools.
Brokers find out and tell you to leave. Victims are treated like thieves.
I still believe in “S”a”N”ta
Do you??
GLA real holders🙏
Well I certainly hope so 🙏
Last post: Lifeishard, 10 Feb 2025 05:29
It’s not just U.S & E.U pressure, thankfully their own people still fight to💪👍
Hoping my favourite will be sung today at church?🙏
GLA Fronterians
Time will tell soon enough if my faith in “S”a”N”ta has not been foolish?
It’s Friday, I am off for a beer with Ethan Hunt.
GLA real holders
Someone who believes in Santa Claus and SN doing the right thing probably believes movie characters are real too. I'd be for it if he'll accept Frontera shares as payment!
So Njames at this stage of our standing, do you suggest we send in Bond??
Started: keysersoze, 2 Feb 2025 23:56
Last post: Arsenal221, 9 Feb 2025 20:12
Overall SN has not looked like he has done f.c.k. all. For a good while & likely, if nit very. He & cronies are sitting pretty.
I just wonder what Steven Hope thinks of all this liquidation & tender issue. At one point it looked like he was seemingly trying to cut a deal with the GG himself a few years ago. Of recent times he seems to have been awfully quiet, at least members here haven't seemingly come across anything.
So what's the deal with him, a lot of issues before delisting and shortly after seemed to be about a failing out with ZM and possibly SN over a seeming fear that SH wanted to take control by gaining a greater share of the company in exchange for a big loan to the company, etc.
Now all that fuss gone through and now SH is supposedly content enough to keep quiet with the company in liquidation and the tender up for grabs?
Supposedly he has said nothing of this situation or Frontera of late? Seems strange when so much interest earlier on and apparently I would guess deep enough pockets. Would be interested to hear other members thoughts on this.
Said this before, far far bigger than Ivanishvili have stopped and some even ended, good read and last paragraph is food for thought on the GD.
Also things like this still tell me we could play a part of the solution🙏
An interesting watch and just shows how much is at stake with Georgia being a seemingly crucial part of a jig saw
Hi Monti - My comment about the tender process was simply a response to Keyser, who referenced a timeline in regard to the subject, acknowledging that it remains in limbo with no clear indication of when it might resume. Thats it.
Started: keysersoze, 22 Jan 2025 13:06
Last post: WHamBoy, 3 Feb 2025 21:53
Cheers Looed
WHamBoy - Ziggy is correct and you can see the quarterly dates here
If WHB’s updates are not to be judged as hope, then ZZ tops you really need to look up the meaning of hope, I am much happier reading these updates than god forbid 🙏one to show us on the list.
Thanks again WHB, keep them coming please
All things bright and beautiful, all companies great and small……just like ours?🙏
Could you post the link to your assertion re dates please
WHB …Strike off list is collated Qtly so I don’t expect any info ….via Gazette at least, until end of March . A no show in each fortnightly Gazette leading up to Qtr end should not be seen as providing hope its not happening .
Started: cymro1864, 30 Jan 2025 15:35
Last post: Looed, 1 Feb 2025 12:20
The bids are, or were due to be, closed and then opened on 27th Jan, after which the decision making process kicks in to decide the winning bid (if any).
The tender I referenced that experienced a delay was under the GOGC.
Thanks Looed.
In the previous Tender for block 12, the winner of the bid was going to be announced on the same day as the deadline for any bids. Sounds like this was the"procedural" issue?
Re Delays - I was referring to other oil & gas blocks up for tender, I can't recall any recently that have had this prodeural issue.
Keyser - This is the decision-making process once the bids are opened:-
- Within five days of bid opening, the working group submits a report to the Head of the Agency, including conclusions on the presented bids.
- The Head of the Agency then forwards the bids to the tender commission.
- Based on the commission’s conclusions, the Head of the Agency identifies the preferred bidder.
- A decision on all bids must be made no later than five days after the commission’s final meeting.
- Within three days of the decision, the Agency must inform all bidders in writing.
As you can see, some timelines are given, some are not.
It is incorrect to claim that there have been no delays in other tenders—an example being the Gardabani Thermal Power Plant (TPP) 3 Project.
Do you expect this to be another 3 minth tender process? Surley anyone interested would already have the bid ready as it was so the deadline so in theory they probabaly just two weeks to submit their proposal.
Can we read into why only this tender has the procedural issue?
GG had no "procedural" issues with any other tenders apart from this one, they're experienced. Could it suggest maybe FRR raised a concern and want to make sure eveything is clear ie. the tender is for the entire block inc the 1%. Etc
Are they gg/ frr buying more time?
Do you expect this to be another 3 minth tender process? Surley anyone interested would already have the bid ready as it was so the deadline so in theory they probabaly just two weeks to submit their proposal.
Can we read into why only this tender has the procedural issue?
GG had no "procedural" issues with any other tenders apart from this one, they're experienced. Could it suggest maybe FRR raised a concern and want to make sure eveything is clear ie. the tender is for the entire block inc the 1%. Etc
Are they gg/ frr buying more time?
Last post: StockMaiden, 29 Jan 2025 16:54
If this ever comes back I would demand the shares to be reinstated into the ISA account.
Not fair having to pay tax on any profits made of this does a miracle and come back.
Aurora, interactive sounds good and to get info about FRR is good news.
The world is in turmoil , Block 12 may rise. Then our battered share has a price.
If FRR comes back again I'll be the most lucky girl on AIM.
Hi Map Im with Interactive Inv and BOS/Halifax BOS Hal didnt even feel they should have sent the deloitte report out they seem to have washed there hands and said just contact the company at which point I laughed out loud
Who is your broker?
I am looking for a good one.
HL is changing hands and whenever that happens
one has to expect problems.
Hi Folks I wrote to my broker today to ask if there is any update on the liquidation. Has anyone else tried this and got any reaction.
I will of course inform if I hear anything
Cheers Aurora
Last post: Looed, 29 Jan 2025 07:17
Should read "one or more of the arguments..."
Ziggy is correct - the listing under "Table of Authorities" means the attorneys have used an element from that particular case to support one more of the arguments they are making in their own case. There is no connection outside of that reference point.
Chris , think our past case against Azerbaijan is just listed here as relevant precedent re this case .
I could not lace your boots when you are finding the things you do, it is appreciated by us all👍
I’ll leave that to you
Started: Kenco222, 28 Jan 2025 09:53
Last post: Kenco222, 28 Jan 2025 09:55, 27 Jan 2025 - 16:02, Tbilisi,Georgia
Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze on Monday announced the signing of a memorandum securing an “unprecedented” $6 billion United Arab Emirates investment in the country’s capital city of Tbilisi, Black Sea city of Batumi and the coastal town of Gonio.
"$6billion investment in a country whose Current Gdp is only $33 billion"
The PM said the deal paved the way for a “multifunctional development project” in the locations, in comments for Georgian media during his ongoing visit to Abu Dhabi.
He said the investment would be implemented by the EMAAR Group, a UAE-based real estate development company.
A very interesting project will be implemented. This is a multifunctional development project which will be implemented in Tbilisi, Batumi, and Gonio. These developments will greatly contribute to the growth of our country’s economy, accelerate economic progress, create new job opportunities, and attract additional
Started: Chris572, 19 Jan 2025 06:59
Last post: MontiBurns, 21 Jan 2025 12:49
The Liquidator is duty bound to inform the Court that company/group is under their control and in the process of being wound-up. In addition, all creditors have been notified of Deloitte’s appointment via public announcement/publishments. So, perhaps the Texas case is more relevant to the Directors’ PGs.
I agree - the court news is meaningless to us, but Whamboy's update is very surprising and interesting. I hope the lack of gazette listing is not solely due to process related reasons, like the court action is, but something more material.
Thanks WHamBoy - It is likely more cost-effective for Deloitte to allow the cases involving FRC to remain open and naturally conclude as they are docketed, rather than incurring the time and expense of filing motions to dismiss them—particularly if the opposing parties are already recognized as official creditors in the liquidation process.
Thanks for your continued efforts Looed. Your explanations re the latest court cases do make sense. I suppose we will find out soon enough whether this is all a temporary stay of execution, or something more significant, however unlikely our chances of survival may presently appear to be.
These court cases rumble on because they exist in separate legal realms and docket dates remain unaffected as that is when the court will address whatever issue is presented to it. But these cases essentially only exist on paper.
For example, on the docket for today, 20th Jan 2025 was a hearing for Trial oil Merits in FRC v YA II. Had I just posted that info then people might think this is new and something is afoot else why have a hearing? But the context is that the date for hearing the Motion was set 8th Jan 2024 and the only action that has taken place since the court set the date is FRC advising the court it was subject to liquidation proceedings.
Until a formal motion to stay or dismiss is filed and granted, cases continue to follow standard / routine legal processes.
If YA is already an official creditor, its claim is already on the record.
WHamBoy - thanks.
Started: Lifeishard, 13 Dec 2024 09:13
Last post: Lifeishard, 18 Jan 2025 14:39
Well some like Stock will think or write it has nothing to do with our company, you/ they may or may not be right?
But I personally do think all this pressure could very well assist our outcome?🙏
Strong words indeed…… “and defeat the tyrannical Ivanishvili regime”
All things bright and beautiful, all companies great and small…… just like ours?🙏
Time tells all tales Stock?and excuse me for not believing your write ups….. me thinks you speak with fork tongue
GLA real holders
Ok ok I know we are all trying to be positive
But the sanctions have little to no relation to Frontera, arguably
Other than the desperation and clinging onto hope that one day this will come back
Don't get me wrong, I want this to come good but... chance are so slim it will take more than a miracle...
It seems more pressure will be applied soon enough?
GLA real holders, we await for WHB’s next update 🙏 20th?
£100K compensate to each FRR shareholder for the distress it had caused.
Started: StockMaiden, 9 Jan 2025 16:37
Last post: StockMaiden, 9 Jan 2025 17:47
Okay okay...
I don't rule out the mistake...
I just found the mistake to be a bit bizarre when it clearly mentions "Frontera Resources" in 2025 and also former CEO "Zaza Mamulaishvili"
Even gave the Frontera email...
AI Technology Aye....
ChatGTP is confusing frontera resources with frontera energy
I asked chatgpt about Frontera Resources and it gave me the below:
"Frontera Resources Corporation, founded in 1996 and headquartered in Houston, Texas, is a privately held independent oil and gas exploration and production company. The company focuses on identifying opportunities and operating in emerging markets, particularly in Eastern Europe around the Black Sea and the United States.
Frontera's operations are primarily concentrated in the onshore Kura Basin, located between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, encompassing areas in Azerbaijan and Georgia. The company is engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of oil and natural gas properties within this region.
As of 2025, Frontera Resources employs approximately 201 individuals. The company's leadership includes Orlando Segovia as Chief Executive Officer and Zaza Mamulaishvili as Co-Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer.
For more detailed information or specific inquiries, you can visit their official website at or contact them directly via email at "
Notice the 2025 paragraph?
Started: Looed, 9 Jan 2025 04:26
Last post: StockMaiden, 9 Jan 2025 13:43
It depends on how it comes back mapp
The question now should be if it will come back...
If FRR comes back again then this worthless share
will be the best buy on AIM.
Influencers will sing a song.
Their guess is right and never wrong ?
Lifeishard - no problem.
Understood now, many thanks Looed
Third parties are going to have to spend more than $5k to get this back on track
Started: Looed, 6 Jan 2025 00:45
Last post: mapp, 7 Jan 2025 06:44
Elon Musk is in Europe blaming top politicians to be
substandard. What next?
New address is 123 Elf rd, North Pole
Come on “S”a”N”ta give us a positive update please 🙏
I saw someone reference the website. I wouldn’t interpret the continued presence of the website as a definitive “sign of life” for the company. The website is under Deloitte’s control as part of the liquidation process and was “locked” around the time of their February 2024 statement regarding the company. This is a standard procedure in liquidations, as brand names, logos, and related intellectual property are considered potential assets that may hold value for creditors or buyers.
Additionally, the San Felipe address listed on the website was vacated in early 2024.
Last post: StockMaiden, 5 Jan 2025 20:21
You meant all your staff combined and their wage is higher than yours in comparison.
Stockmaiden, speaking as an employer the contract is certainly broken. The hourly wage of my staff is a lot more than I earn per hour!
Our whole life is a scam mapp.
We are taught to study hard, work hard.
Look at the model of our society now.
Many people just want an honest job, but the social contract has been broken between employers and employees.
There is obviously something very wrong if people are working full time but cannot afford to pay rent or feeding themselves, let alone the traditional expectations of buying a house and raising a family.
There's a new saying nowadays, people cannot afford to take on a job. Think about the inflated travel costs, the food, the clothing, the equipment, then after tax your left with nothing.
Salary has been frozen for the last 20 years and inflation has been rising every year.
Now we have the AI threat replacing more worker. There's a lot of uncertainty ahead and one humanity have not faced before.
The boomers has had their fun. Millennials and anyone after that are Fxxxxxxked. Hope?
Sorry for off topic but what a time to be alive.
Karma helps those living in hope but in reality is another scam.
We are misled from birth to death . Look after yourself and take an
aspirin if in pain. Have a glass of Port fortified with gin to calm
you down for a good night's sleep. may be confused and
subscribe medicine which is good for pharma and not for us.
Keep smiling and stay healthy.
With luck we will get wealthy?
Billy Bibbit wears underpants…….of this we always knew
A new year here yet again…..and still we all feel blue😔
Will our company come good? Like we know it should
Or will the boat trippers shout …..we always knew it was a dud?
They float around …….like a real bad smell
But I still believe we real holders will get have the last yell🙏
That our leader was true, stands strong and not a fraud
Somehow he and his team fought and clawed
All our monies back to where we control🙏
Happy new year real holders…karma will sort the rest
Started: cymro1864, 29 Dec 2024 06:54
Last post: Kippermanbike, 2 Jan 2025 22:15
And what does this have to do with frontera? No mention of oil or gas...
I hope all real holders here have a very healthy 💪 happy 😅and prosperous 💷💵new year folks, see you all next year 👍🙏
Zaza, SN, and Hope, I hope you are having a miserable NYE for the sins you've committed.
Well according to Republican Congressman Joe Wilson, who represents South Carolina, this is far from over and seems the Georgia will be represented in Washington👍
Members of Congress involved in the process:
Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC):
Member of the House Georgia group;
Requested meetings to discuss security and media independence in the South Caucasus region.
Representative Gary Connolly (D-VA):
Co-Chair of the House Georgia Group;
Engaged in discussions to raise awareness about Georgia and celebrate US support.
Representative Mike Turner (R-OH):
Member of House Georgia;
Focused on regional security issues.
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH):
A foreign policy advisor, he was represented by Amy English in his collaboration with Formula LLC.
Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY):
He is represented in meetings by Michael Quicken, as Senate Majority Leader.
Representative Austin Scott (R-GA):
Co-chair of House Georgia, participated in discussions with Formula LLC.
Other notable names:
Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), whose representative in the proceedings was Robert Karem;
Representative Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY): Political advisor Wyndi Parker participated in the process on his behalf;
Republican Lois Frankel (D-FL): Her staff has been contacted for discussions.
Campaign donations
Joe Wilson for Congress: $1,000 transferred to PAC by Todd Wester through Cornerstone Government Affairs;
Other contributions were recorded as part of lobbying-related disclosures, but they were not directly related to Formula LLC.
The purpose of these activities
Policy Advocacy: US Foreign Policy Influence on Media Independence and Security in Georgia;
Strengthening Relations: Raising Congressional Awareness of Georgia's Democratic Challenges and U.S. Strategic Interests in the South Caucasus.
Source: :::::
Started: Coggy, 2 Jan 2025 09:11
Last post: Coggy, 2 Jan 2025 09:11
I'll do the first post of 2025 🤣.
Started: Looed, 27 Dec 2024 21:15
Last post: Lifeishard, 29 Dec 2024 06:18
Smellysausage yet you do listen/read!
We are not dead until it’s proven in a legal sense, that is how clever you are you silly smellysausage 🤣🤣🤣
And I'm not seeing how that has any direct benefit to FRR shareholders...
Lol .... It doesn't .
Frr is dead and your money is gone. But the likes of rainbow and looed like to make out there 'might' be hope.
Rainbow we know if a fool. And cannot be listened to. Because he can't see black from white.
Looed, he's actually intelligent and therefore knows exactly what he's doing when he strings you all along.
A bit late...
And I'm not seeing how that has any direct benefit to FRR shareholders...
Finally some action on Bidzina from the US and thereby opening signaling to the rest of the world what Georgian Dream Party is up to (and has been up to since coming to power some 12 yrs ago), ie playing a double-game with the West and ‘Mother-Russia’. Hopefully also a deterrent to other wannabe Georgian Political figures who think they charm and sweet talk as if they are pro-West but in reality are Ruskie friendly.
Wishing very miserable, depressed and hopeful FRR shareholder a very happy 2025.
The other factor that could play a significant role in the future is FRR is the imminent arrival of Trump in to the White House and we know historically FRR is closely attached to the GOP. Let’s see what January brings…….
Yes just seen that Looed on Georgia today, imho this is all massive on in helping our final outcome, thanks for sharing.
GLA real holders🙏
Started: Coggy, 24 Dec 2024 08:26
Last post: Coggy, 28 Dec 2024 09:29
Ahhh, OM, hope you are well old friend? Yes, back in the days if BKIR, I remember them well. Made and lost on old BKIR, but not nearly as much as on this FKIR, sorry FRR.
Keep going OM. Like Lady Mapp, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, you Octagenarians just keep on rocking. 👍
OMLO, congratulations. You are 80+ and know more about life and living than
ever before but beware. Thugs and Crooks are everywhere. When they know
your age they think you are slow and most likely insane. Who else is on AIM?
Where PRO Traders gain and many investors go down the drain.
In pain.
Good ol pal- back in the days fincial crisis ( bank of Ireland). How are you keeping?
Am now in my 8th decade waiting for FRR relisting.
If I remember well ( excuse my memory loss if I’m wrong) the delisting was/is supposed to be temporary.
Remind me again- how long is temporary?
Forgive me if I ask you this very same question again in 2 minutes
I still recommend a strong buy here.
Just noticed that two lines at the end of my message
should have been deleted. Blame myself.
I need a computer that is easy to use and safe but seems
not to exist. Without Cyber Security there is far too much
CRIME everywhere.
Life is not fair. Take care.
Unbelievable that I am still alive but my interest in finance has been
good for my brain for at last I can claim to be an expert not only on AIM.
I sent a traditional Christmas Card with a message to Donald Trump and
his leam of outstanding experts and will be delighted to get an answer.
Shall celebrate today in style and carry on living for a while.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Best wishes from Mapp.
and shall carry on writing .
My diary is a legacy explaining
Started: StockMaiden, 19 Dec 2024 23:32
Last post: Lifeishard, 24 Dec 2024 07:14
StockMaiden, you had me at “ Keep the faith”
Georgia is on the cusp of something very big, I still hold hopes we WILL be a part of it somehow🙏
Just reading the GOGC site, the shear amount of works coming into play for 2025
GLA real holders, Merry Christmas to you all including our very own “S”a”N”ta 🎅🏼 and his team, here is to a much better 2025, peace, good health and a nice dose of prosperity 🙏
I admire your enthusiasm too, I can’t but help believe that Looed knows more than he’s letting on. Whatever the future holds Merry Christmas to all and let’s hope for a better year ahead.
It is irresponsible and unacceptable to allow foreigner into your country without a language test.
A psychologist of 50 can afford to buy a powerful car, made in Germany, which is used
as a weapon of mass destruction. Send him back handcuffed to where he came from
for in his native country they know how to deal with him. Europe has become too soft.
I bought in ignorance and when I sold I was told off and bought back, topped up for
influencer RR sounded convincing, " You have to be in it to win it. Put all your eggs into
one basket. Do you suffer from self-harm? " Broker HL has questioned my sanity since
and I wrote a Christmas Card to Donald Trump and his excellent Team of Experts for I
need help and I the best legal advice money can buy and America is where I hope to
find it.
I’ve been keeping the faith for 6 years but sadly I think the writing’s on the wall. I would just like to pull the plug now - the extended waiting is just making it more painful now.
Started: Dave73, 18 Dec 2024 08:50
Last post: Lifeishard, 18 Dec 2024 17:01
Chileone, but never forget to………
The general direction is down and out. I refer you to the Norwegian Blue dead parrot sketch for a summary of FRR’s current state.
Hi, I had shares here years ago (until company closed) but have long since lost touch - can anybody give me an update to where we are currently at/the jist of general direction? Cheers
Well here we all are , invested in the most frustrating share ever still waiting for any sign of life from the Company that has its shareholders at heart , especially when they want more money lol.
Anyway a big shout out to all the sleuths over the years that have served us lesser well informed shareholders and also those that have retained a sense of humour (we need it).
A very Merry Xmas to all and hope for better in the New Year with our 0.00001% chance of a notification from the company.
Started: Aurora1, 12 Dec 2024 20:15
Last post: mapp, 13 Dec 2024 14:15
Private Investors are fodder they need to keep going.
She tossed a coin and got it right.
The verdict was she must be right.
A housewife with a lot of dough?
How much she has we do not know.
How can she really have a clue?
Would we be brokers if we knew?
Internet Influencers use similar tricks to catch
Mugs and there is not shortage .
I enjoy being a rat catcher and caught some who
are unaware there was a trap. HL tried to escape.
I caught them red handed.
Thanks for all your help you’re the greatest!!
Wadassistant - I refer you to my earlier replies which will avoid the need for repetition.
So what was it they actually said to you? And have you been deceived like the rest of us? How does that make you feel after all the hard work you have put in?
Wadassistant -the "hang around" message has been clearly explained. I was asked a few days ago when that message was received, to which I responded. My earlier reply reflects the current situation regarding that message. I believe this clarifies the matter.
Started: LordLash, 12 Dec 2024 05:35
Last post: Saucysausage, 12 Dec 2024 21:16
Like anyone who invested in FRR is likely to enjoy capital gains.
If you were daft enough to do that, you ain't ever making profits in anything.
Just looools.
ODR that will be great if it does liquidate folks could over time claw back indirectly with cap gains going forward
cheers Aurora
Hi Aurora. So long as you haven't already made a negligible value claim (which with what's happened here you could have) then the loss will crystallise when the company is liquidated.
Cheers ODR my question is does this still count for a share that was de listed 5 years ago from the market then gets liquidated hence why I was looking into (HS286 Negligible value claims). To throw another complication some will have had shares in a normal account that would normally be counted for gains and losses but some would have had them in an isa which normally dont count for Gs&Ls but they were moved to the normal trading account at some point so does that mean all shares count now for losses (you would think so)
Once it has been liquidated anyone who owns shares will have a crystallised loss for CGT purposes.
I have a record of my brought forward CGT losses on my annual self assessment tax return.
Hope that helps Lordlash/Aurora.
Started: wadassistant, 11 Dec 2024 18:07
Last post: wadassistant, 12 Dec 2024 07:58
Thanks for your reply the 16th was for the caymans gazette and whether we have been struck off or not? You said let’s wait and see like you knew something might happen etc that was the impression most of us got??after all you have been in contract for many years?? What’s your honest gut feeling do you think we have lost all our investment or do you actually believe this can still come good?
Wadassistant – I’m not entirely sure what the significance of 16 December is, but I believe attributing emotions or feelings to any corporate entity is ultimately unproductive. For example, while it’s natural to hope for the company to make a comeback and achieve a relisting, emotions or personal hopes have no bearing on the statistical likelihood of such an outcome. Historically, very few companies manage to relist successfully, except in cases of technical delistings for short periods. Of course, it’s not impossible—but statistically speaking, the odds are slim. That doesn’t even begin to take into account the legal and financial challenges that have been reported on here.
The concept of keeping quiet to keep the peace is a well studied phenomena that can be understood through the concepts of “diffusion of responsibility” and the “bystander effect”. You can ask AI to provide specific examples of how these apply to shareholder behavior and corporate governance.
I view this situation more as an academic exercise and a valuable learning experience. If I attach any emotion to it, it’s the satisfaction of having played a small role in equipping the team with tools to try and improve the situation. Whether they succeed or fail in capitalizing on those tools is ultimately beyond my control.
So 16 December is what we are waiting on? Looed will you be hugely disappointed if you have been used and nothing comes of it? You said wait a while longer what’s the plan of action if you have been scammed? thanks for all your help much appreciated but maybe they just strung you along to keep the peace?
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