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Directors Deals for RDW.L (RDW)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
28-Apr-1028-Apr-10BuyBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond149.20GBX10,000-
02-Mar-1001-Mar-10BuySteve Morgan held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Steve Morgan131.50GBX100,00092,436,874
22-Dec-0922-Dec-09Exercise of OptionJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte--4,773-
22-Dec-0922-Dec-09Exercise of OptionDavid Arnold held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.David Arnold--4,222-
22-Dec-0921-Sep-09Exercise of OptionJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte--4,773-
22-Dec-0921-Sep-09Exercise of OptionDavid Arnold held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.David Arnold--4,222-
14-Dec-0914-Dec-09BuyPaul Hampden Smith held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden Smith124.00GBX4,842-
14-Dec-0914-Dec-09BuyPaul Hampden Smith held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden Smith125.00GBX9,634-
20-Oct-0906-Oct-09BuyAlan Jackson held the position of Non-Executive Deputy Chairman at the time of this trade.Alan Jackson212.30GBX10,000-
16-Oct-0915-Oct-09BuyPaul Hampden held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden209.00GBX8,000-
08-Oct-0907-Oct-09BuyDebbie Hewitt held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Debbie Hewitt207.50GBX9,638-
09-Sep-0909-Sep-09Notification of HoldingJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte--59,998-
13-May-0812-May-08Buy DividendsColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis262.00GBX2,858-
13-May-0812-May-08Buy DividendsNeil Fitzsimmons held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Neil Fitzsimmons262.00GBX6,250-
18-Mar-0814-Mar-08BuyM King held the position of Senior Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.M King265.20GBX3,600-
30-Nov-0730-Nov-07BuyColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis368.50GBX1,588-
30-Nov-0730-Nov-07BuyNeil Fitzsimmons held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Neil Fitzsimmons368.50GBX3,360-
20-Nov-0720-Nov-07BuyBrian Duckworth held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Brian Duckworth343.75GBX40,000-
08-Nov-0707-Nov-07Transfer FromJohn F Tutte held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.John F Tutte--12,108-
08-Nov-0708-Nov-07SellColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis355.63GBX8,000-
08-Nov-0707-Nov-07Transfer FromColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis--12,108-
08-Nov-0707-Nov-07Transfer FromD L Arnold held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.D L Arnold--8,283-
08-Nov-0707-Nov-07Transfer FromNeil Fitzsimmons held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Neil Fitzsimmons--14,479-
14-Sep-0714-Sep-07BuyAlan Bowkett held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Alan Bowkett462.62GBX50,000-
04-May-0704-May-07BuyGraham Cope held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Graham Cope628.00GBX117-
04-May-0704-May-07BuyColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis628.00GBX920-
04-May-0704-May-07BuyNeil Fitzsimmons held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Neil Fitzsimmons628.00GBX1,944-
30-Mar-0729-Mar-07Transfer ToBarry K Harvey held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Barry K Harvey--94,606-
30-Mar-0728-Mar-07Transfer ToBarry K Harvey held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Barry K Harvey--43,000-
26-Mar-0726-Mar-07SellPaul L Pedley held the position of Deputy Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul L Pedley648.00GBX500,000-
22-Mar-0721-Mar-07BuyDenise Jagger held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Denise Jagger602.38GBX1,300-
10-Jan-0721-Dec-06Exercise of OptionColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis165.00GBX2,006-
03-Jan-0702-Jan-07Exercise of OptionJohn F Tutte held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.John F Tutte270.00GBX34,165-
03-Jan-0702-Jan-07Exercise of OptionNeil Fitzsimmons held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Neil Fitzsimmons270.00GBX2,733-
24-Nov-0624-Nov-06Buy DividendsColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis642.00GBX832-
24-Nov-0624-Nov-06Buy DividendsRobert B Jones held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Robert B Jones642.00GBX164-
24-Nov-0624-Nov-06Buy DividendsNeil Fitzsimmons held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Neil Fitzsimmons642.00GBX1,922-
11-Jul-0611-Jul-06SellColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis499.30GBX10,000-
11-Jul-0611-Jul-06SellPaul L Pedley held the position of Deputy Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul L Pedley500.60GBX150,000-
19-May-0615-May-06Notification of HoldingColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis--72,021-
15-May-0612-May-06Buy DividendsColin E Lewis held the position of Divisional Chairman at the time of this trade.Colin E Lewis530.00GBX503-
15-May-0612-May-06Buy DividendsRobert B Jones held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Robert B Jones530.00GBX106-
15-May-0612-May-06Buy DividendsNeil Fitzsimmons held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Neil Fitzsimmons530.00GBX1,142-
13-Mar-0610-Mar-06SellPaul L Pedley held the position of Deputy Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul L Pedley543.00GBX12,593-
13-Mar-0606-Mar-06BuyPaul L Pedley held the position of Deputy Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul L Pedley--12,593-
06-Jan-0606-Jan-06Exercise of OptionPaul L Pedley held the position of Deputy Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul L Pedley134.00GBX12,593-
06-Dec-0506-Dec-05Transfer ToPaul L Pedley held the position of Deputy Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul L Pedley--100,000-
02-Dec-0501-Dec-05Exercise of OptionD L Arnold held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.D L Arnold219.00GBX4,315-
02-Dec-0501-Dec-05Exercise of OptionNeil Fitzsimmons held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Neil Fitzsimmons219.00GBX863-
29-Nov-0525-Nov-05Buy DividendsBrian Duckworth held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Brian Duckworth471.50GBX80-

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