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Directors Deals for RDW.L (RDW)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
17-Sep-1517-Sep-15Notification of HoldingGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope---219,144
14-May-1513-May-15SellGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope415.63GBX121,724219,144
14-May-1513-May-15Exercise of OptionGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope--264,075219,144
14-May-1513-May-15SellBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond421.50GBX11,365231,954
14-May-1513-May-15Exercise of OptionBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond--13,635231,954
12-May-1508-May-15Buy DividendsGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope370.20GBX40676,793
16-Apr-1516-Apr-15Exercise of OptionJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte--323,834299,621
16-Apr-1516-Apr-15SellJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte372.30GBX323,834299,621
16-Apr-1516-Apr-15Exercise of OptionJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte95.20GBX9,453299,621
19-Feb-1518-Feb-15Exercise of OptionBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond352.30GBX15,000218,319
09-Dec-1405-Dec-14BuyLiz Peace held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Liz Peace292.56GBX3,4003,400
25-Nov-1420-Nov-14Buy DividendsGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope272.00GBX55076,387
14-Oct-1414-Oct-14BuyAndrew Nicholas Hewson held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andrew Nicholas Hewson260.10GBX7,65019,000
30-Sep-1429-Sep-14Exercise of OptionBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond275.70GBX16,000203,319
18-Jun-1417-Jun-14Exercise of OptionBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond251.40GBX18,000-
22-May-1420-May-14Notification of HoldingSteve Morgan held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Steve Morgan----
19-May-1419-May-14Buy DividendsBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond302.00GBX29-
19-May-1419-May-14BuyBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond264.00GBX8,251-
12-May-1412-May-14Buy DividendsGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope302.00GBX190-
12-May-1412-May-14Buy DividendsBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond305.98GBX377-
29-Apr-1429-Apr-14Exercise of OptionBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond--20,000-
29-Apr-1429-Apr-14Exercise of OptionGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope--8,380-
29-Apr-1429-Apr-14Exercise of OptionJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte--69,374-
02-Jan-1402-Jan-14Exercise of OptionGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope98.40GBX9,146-
02-Jan-1402-Jan-14Exercise of OptionBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond98.40GBX9,146-
02-Dec-1302-Dec-13BuyAndrew Nicholas Hewson held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andrew Nicholas Hewson276.20GBX3,600-
22-Nov-1321-Nov-13Buy DividendsGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope262.70GBX145-
22-Nov-1321-Nov-13SellGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope267.71GBX16,093-
22-Nov-1321-Nov-13Exercise of OptionGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope--17,976-
22-Nov-1322-Nov-13Buy DividendsBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond262.70GBX3-
24-Oct-1323-Oct-13Exercise of OptionBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond252.50GBX41,694-
24-Oct-1323-Oct-13Exercise of OptionJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte252.50GBX62,460-
17-Oct-1316-Oct-13BuyAndrew Nicholas Hewson held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Andrew Nicholas Hewson255.19GBX7,750-
18-Sep-1317-Sep-13Notification of HoldingGraham Cope held the position of Company Secretary at the time of this trade.Graham Cope----
22-May-1216-May-12BuySteve Morgan held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Steve Morgan130.00GBX56,904,172149,486,045
22-May-1216-May-12BuyPaul Hampden Smith held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden Smith130.00GBX6,900-
22-May-1216-May-12BuyJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte130.00GBX20,652-
22-May-1216-May-12BuyBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond130.00GBX10,577-
22-May-1216-May-12BuyDebbie Hewitt held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Debbie Hewitt130.00GBX2,818-
22-May-1216-May-12BuyAlan Jackson held the position of Non-Executive Deputy Chairman at the time of this trade.Alan Jackson130.00GBX2,892-
24-Apr-1224-Apr-12BuyBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond126.20GBX8,730-
24-Apr-1224-Apr-12BuyBarbara Richmond held the position of Group Finance Director at the time of this trade.Barbara Richmond126.20GBX8,730-
10-Jan-1209-Jan-12Exercise of OptionJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte106.32GBX9,025-
03-Nov-1122-Sep-11BuySteve Morgan held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Steve Morgan109.00GBX120,00092,581,874
03-Nov-1121-Sep-11BuySteve Morgan held the position of Chairman at the time of this trade.Steve Morgan110.10GBX25,000-
08-Sep-1008-Sep-10Notification of HoldingAlan Jackson held the position of Non-Executive Deputy Chairman at the time of this trade.Alan Jackson----
08-Sep-1008-Sep-10Notification of HoldingJohn F Tutte held the position of Group Managing Director at the time of this trade.John F Tutte----
19-May-1019-May-10BuyPaul Hampden Smith held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden Smith124.60GBX8,025-
19-May-1019-May-10BuyPaul Hampden Smith held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Paul Hampden Smith123.90GBX8,071-
04-May-1002-May-10Notification of HoldingDebbie Hewitt held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Debbie Hewitt----

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