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Pin to quick picksInternational Distributions Services Directors Deals (IDS)

Share Price Information for International Distributions Services (IDS)

London Stock Exchange
Share Price is delayed by 15 minutes
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Share Price: 365.60
Bid: 365.20
Ask: 365.60
Change: 0.20 (0.05%)
Spread: 0.40 (0.11%)
Open: 365.20
High: 365.60
Low: 365.20
Prev. Close: 365.40
IDS Live PriceLast checked at -

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Directors Deals for International Distributions Services (IDS)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
30-Nov-2328-Nov-23Transfer FromMick Jeavons held the position of Group CFO at the time of this trade.Mick Jeavons--45,936148,165
27-Mar-2227-Mar-22Notification of HoldingSarah E M Hogg held the position of Senior Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Sarah E M Hogg---12,000
27-Mar-2227-Mar-22Notification of HoldingMichael Findlay held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Michael Findlay---16,690
27-Mar-2227-Mar-22Notification of HoldingMartin Seidenberg held the position of Executive Director at the time of this trade.Martin Seidenberg---9,800
27-Mar-2227-Mar-22Notification of HoldingMaria da Cunha held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Maria da Cunha---15,000
17-Jun-1017-Jun-10Notification of HoldingMichael Hancox held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Michael Hancox---570,500
26-Mar-1026-Mar-10BuyGraham Cole held the position of Independent Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Graham Cole150.00GBX13,00013,000
19-Jan-1019-Jan-10PlacingValerie Kaye held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Valerie Kaye107.00GBX1,588,7855,038,638
19-Jan-1019-Jan-10PlacingPaul Wright held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul Wright107.00GBX1,588,7856,868,785
19-Jan-1019-Jan-10Notification of HoldingValerie Kaye held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Valerie Kaye---5
19-Jan-1019-Jan-10Notification of HoldingPaul Wright held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul Wright---7
28-Sep-0928-Sep-09BuyIan Jebson held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Ian Jebson80.00GBX40,00062,500
28-Sep-0928-Sep-09BuyMichael Hancox held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Michael Hancox80.00GBX500,000570,500
17-Jul-0916-Jul-09BuyIan Jebson held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Ian Jebson78.00GBX12,50022,500
17-Jul-0916-Jul-09BuyMichael Hancox held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Michael Hancox76.00GBX25,00070,500
20-May-0920-May-09BuyIan Jebson held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Ian Jebson102.00GBX5,00010,000
19-May-0919-May-09BuyIan Jebson held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Ian Jebson101.50GBX5,00010,000
28-Apr-0928-Apr-09BuyMichael Hancox held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Michael Hancox59.90GBX17,00045,500
27-Apr-0924-Apr-09BuyMichael Hancox held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Michael Hancox60.00GBX10,00045,500
17-Apr-0916-Apr-09BuyMichael Hancox held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Michael Hancox47.80GBX8,50045,500
17-Apr-0916-Apr-09BuyMichael Hancox held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Michael Hancox42.00GBX10,00045,500
07-Nov-0806-Nov-08BuyPamela Aujla held the position of Commercial Director at the time of this trade.Pamela Aujla52.00GBX20,00025,000
12-Dec-0712-Dec-07BuyAndrew Robert Fryatt held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Robert Fryatt195.00GBX13,10056,220
20-Sep-0719-Sep-07BuyDavid Williams held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.David Williams200.00GBX25,00025,000
06-Sep-0706-Sep-07BuyAndrew Robert Fryatt held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Robert Fryatt200.50GBX16,00056,220
17-Apr-0713-Apr-07Exercise of OptionPaul Wright held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul Wright33.50GBX50,0003,950,000
04-Dec-0604-Dec-06BuyAndrew Robert Fryatt held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Robert Fryatt282.00GBX8,60056,220
06-Sep-0506-Sep-05Exercise of OptionMike Creedon held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Mike Creedon33.50GBX70,00070,000
30-Jun-0530-Jun-05BuyAndrew Robert Fryatt held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Robert Fryatt285.00GBX5,00056,220
30-Jun-0529-Jun-05BuyAndrew Robert Fryatt held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Robert Fryatt278.00GBX5,00056,220
02-Mar-0502-Mar-05SellValerie Kaye held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Valerie Kaye227.50GBX1,500,0003,700,000
02-Mar-0502-Mar-05SellPaul Wright held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Paul Wright227.50GBX3,000,0003,950,000
09-Sep-0409-Sep-04BuyJim Hodkinson held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Jim Hodkinson94.00GBX50,000125,000
04-Jun-0427-Apr-04BuyJim Hodkinson held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Jim Hodkinson70.00GBX25,000125,000
28-May-0428-May-04BuyJim Hodkinson held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Jim Hodkinson89.00GBX25,000125,000
30-Apr-0430-Apr-04BuyJim Hodkinson held the position of Non-Executive Chairman at the time of this trade.Jim Hodkinson70.00GBX25,000125,000

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