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Pin to quick picksCohort Directors Deals (CHRT)

Share Price Information for Cohort (CHRT)

London Stock Exchange
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Share Price: 1,160.00
Bid: 1,160.00
Ask: 1,170.00
Change: -5.00 (-0.43%)
Spread: 10.00 (0.862%)
Open: 1,160.00
High: 1,160.00
Low: 1,160.00
Prev. Close: 1,165.00

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Directors Deals for Cohort (CHRT)

Announced Traded Action Notifier Price Currency Amount Holding
01-Sep-2027-Aug-20Exercise of OptionSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther376.00GBX7,660216,155
07-Aug-2007-Aug-20BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis676.90GBX2,952198,288
07-Aug-2007-Aug-20SellAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis640.00GBX3,110198,288
07-Aug-2007-Aug-20BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis668.00GBX2,992198,288
07-Aug-2007-Aug-20SellAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis661.11GBX2,834198,288
07-Aug-2007-Aug-20Transfer FromSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther--11,556208,495
07-Aug-2007-Aug-20Transfer FromSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther--13,904196,939
07-Aug-2007-Aug-20Transfer FromAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis--14,771201,240
07-Aug-2007-Aug-20Transfer FromAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis--17,769201,240
27-Mar-2026-Mar-20Transfer ToAlbert Edward Stanley Carter held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Albert Edward Stanley Carter--1,8249,104,904
27-Mar-2026-Mar-20Transfer ToAlbert Edward Stanley Carter held the position of Non-Executive Director at the time of this trade.Albert Edward Stanley Carter--17,6489,104,904
12-Mar-2012-Mar-20Buy DividendsSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther598.00GBX174171,479
12-Mar-2012-Mar-20Buy DividendsSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther598.00GBX171171,479
12-Mar-2012-Mar-20Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis598.00GBX467168,360
10-Mar-2009-Mar-20Exercise of OptionAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis355.00GBX1,176167,893
02-Mar-2027-Feb-20Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis599.00GBX2166,717
28-Feb-2026-Feb-20Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis636.43GBX45166,715
09-Jan-2008-Jan-20Transfer FromSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther--2,500171,134
09-Jan-2008-Jan-20BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis729.00GBX198166,670
09-Jan-2008-Jan-20Transfer FromAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis--3,653166,670
09-Jan-2008-Jan-20Transfer FromAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis--100166,670
24-Oct-1923-Oct-19Transfer ToSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther355.00GBX1168,634
24-Oct-1923-Oct-19Transfer ToSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther355.00GBX1,286167,348
14-Oct-1911-Oct-19BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis518.00GBX483162,719
14-Oct-1911-Oct-19BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis518.00GBX365162,719
14-Oct-1911-Oct-19Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis518.00GBX253162,719
14-Oct-1911-Oct-19BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis518.00GBX508162,466
11-Oct-1911-Oct-19Buy DividendsSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther518.00GBX385168,634
11-Oct-1911-Oct-19Buy DividendsSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther518.00GBX383168,249
02-Oct-1902-Oct-19BuySimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther355.00GBX1,287167,866
19-Sep-1918-Sep-19Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis513.30GBX107161,110
13-Sep-1910-Sep-19BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis415.00GBX433161,003
13-Sep-1910-Sep-19BuySimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther415.00GBX433166,579
12-Aug-1909-Aug-19Transfer ToSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther--6,697166,146
12-Aug-1909-Aug-19Transfer FromSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther--13,395166,146
12-Aug-1909-Aug-19Transfer FromAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis--17,079149,636
25-Apr-1923-Apr-19BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis365.50GBX5,468132,557
25-Apr-1923-Apr-19SellAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis365.00GBX5,480132,557
25-Apr-1923-Apr-19BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis365.54GBX5,467132,557
25-Apr-1923-Apr-19SellAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis365.00GBX5,480132,569
13-Mar-1912-Mar-19Buy DividendsSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther374.80GBX196152,776
13-Mar-1912-Mar-19Buy DividendsSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther374.80GBX204152,776
13-Mar-1912-Mar-19Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis374.80GBX199143,516
13-Mar-1912-Mar-19Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis374.80GBX274143,516
13-Mar-1912-Mar-19Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis374.80GBX269143,317
13-Mar-1912-Mar-19Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis374.80GBX259143,516
01-Mar-1927-Feb-19Buy DividendsAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis379.50GBX65142,515
18-Jan-1916-Jan-19BuyAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis386.80GBX425142,450
18-Jan-1916-Jan-19SellAndrew Stephen Thomis held the position of CEO at the time of this trade.Andrew Stephen Thomis380.00GBX437142,450
09-Jan-1924-Nov-18Transfer ToSimon Walther held the position of Finance Director at the time of this trade.Simon Walther410.00GBX468152,376

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